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Roberto González Goyri (1924-2007)

Roberto Gonzalez Goyri is considered one of the greatest artists of the generation of the 1940’s. He initiated a movement that greatly impacted the panorama of the visual arts, as it breached a new opening in twentieth-century modern art in Guatemala. In addition to being a painter, he also worked as a sculptor and muralist. Among his public works are: murals of the Guatemalan Institute of Social Security (IGSS), the west façade of the Bank of Guatemala, the east façade of the Mortgage Credit National building, all part of the Cultural Patrimony of Guatemala (189-20140).

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Trazos de la Vida y Obra de Roberto González Goyri

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“I don’t concern myself if a painting or sculpture has a message. What’s
important for me is the artistic quality of the work”..

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Public Work

"When a company or institution requests a work to be placed in a public ambience, I experience great satisfaction, because I know that it is intended for everybody without distinction of race, political orientation, religion or elitism".

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Paints and Projects

"I must be clear that, even my work is essentially semi figurative, in the
development I always take into account a process of abstraction.  I
emphasize the impact of the abstract elements surrounding the figure".

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“The sketch opens the artist’s creative intimacy.  Possibly this process is what better reflects his own soul; or, in other words, it allows us to glimpse something of the  mystery of creativity”.

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Graphic Artwork

Along his artistic career, González Goyri (1924-2007), illustrated books,
magazines, christmas cards, invitations, and more. He embrace diverse
subjects which made a distinctive style. Verónica González
